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Primary School
Foundation Phase (Grade R - 3)


An Official Language

IsiXhosa is one of the 4 official languages of the Eastern Cape and the mother tongue of about 75% of the population of the Province. Being able to converse freely in it can hardly be over-estimated, as it enables children to communicate effectively, appreciate different cultural identities, and bridge gaps that separate.

We introduce isiXhosa FAL (First Additional Language) in Grade 1, so that our learners have the advantage of assimilating the language at an early age, in a natural and unpressured way.

"Knowledge of languages is the doorway to wisdom."

- Roger Bacon

Brief notes on the subjects offered at Hudson Park in the Intermediate and Senior Phases can be accessed via the menu below.


Our Curriculum covers the areas of language development which are listed below:

  • Listening and speaking
  • Phonics
  • Reading and viewing
  • Writing
  • Language structure and usage
Image showing learners

Our Focus

Learning a new language is exciting for the children, and much of our work is designed to develop verbal communication skills. We encourage the children to speak the language, through the use of practical activities, such as singing songs, reciting action poems, and playing games 'in isiXhosa'.

The children love these activities, which also serve to liven up lessons and prepare the ground for more formal work in vocabulary building, basic reading skills, and reading with comprehension. Simple writing exercises involving sentence construction are also done.

Practice Makes Perfect

As in all subjects, the more children engage with the language the sooner they will become proficient in it. We encourage learners to speak isiXhosa at every opportunity, especially at home and while playing with their friends. Reading isiXhosa books is of great value.

Small Classes

All Grade 1 and 2 learners do isiXhosa, but in Grade 3, a choice is offered between isiXhosa and Afrikaans. In this way, class sizes are kept small, and the children can be given individual attention.

"Every child comes with the message that God is not yet discouraged of man."

- Rabindranath Tagore