There Are Many Ways In Which You Can Support Us
ENQUIRIES: 082 6255 199
082 6255 199
My School
Every time you shop, you can reward us without it costing you a cent, simply by linking your Woolworths card to MySchool. Woolworths automatically donates up to 1% of the value of your purchases to our school, on your behalf.
You can find information about the scheme on this link.
Monthly Debit Orders
It does not matter how much or how little you give. R100 a month may seem like a tiny drop in the ocean. Yet, what a difference it makes when 1,000 or more people each donate this amount. We look forward to hearing from you, if you would like to sign on to this scheme.
Remembering Hudson Park in your will, or trust, is a meaningful and enduring gift you can make to future generations. Please contact us, if you would like to include Hudson Park in your estate plans.
Service To The School
Community involvement is an important part of the life of our schools. Parents who serve on our various committees and boards make a meaningful contribution, as do the many business owners and professionals who volunteer their services.
We would love to hear from you, if you would like to offer assistance in any way.