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Primary School
Foundation Phase (Grade R - 3)



Mathematics is the science which defines the world around us in terms of numbers and symbols. It is a language in itself, and it serves us in millions of ways in our daily lives. The mastering of mathematical skills has life-long benefits for children.

Mathematical Skills

The aim of Mathematics is to provide a real understanding of how numbers relate to each other. Thus, it deals with the observing, representing, and investigating of patterns and relationships. Capacities associated with logical and critical thinking, accuracy, problem solving, and decision making are developed.

The practical exercises in Mathematics are very popular with learners. Activities include working with money while shopping, and measuring the children's height.

Brief notes on the subjects offered at Hudson Park in the Intermediate and Senior Phases can be accessed via the menu below.


Our Curriculum covers the areas of development which are listed below:

  • Number operations and relationships
  • Patterns, functions, and Algebra
  • Space and shape
  • Measurement
  • Data handling
Image showing learners

Specialised Tuition

Hudson Park has several Academies which cater to the needs of children with particular abilities. Specialist educators are employed, and the children can participate in accelerated learning programmes. Our Mathematics Academy caters for the 12 most promising pupils, from Grade 3 to 7.

Our learners regularly take part in the CLUSTER MATHEMATICS MENTAL COMPETITION hosted by Stirling Primary and the CONQUESTA OLYMPIAD.

"The purpose of education is to replace an empty mind with an open one."

- Malcolm Forbes