Parents have a vital part to play in the the education of their children. This applies especially when the children are in the Foundation Phase, from Grades R-2, and this page contains important information for you, as a parent.
When they first attend school, young children have usually not learned to work independently. To build this capacity, they need to acquire learning skills and discipline, and this means that what happens at home is no less important than what happens at school.
The educators' role at school is to introduce new concepts and have the children practise. Your role as a parent is to continue the process at home, typically by supporting your child in ways such as those suggested below.
Establishing a homework routine through gentle encouragement.
Ensuring that your child understands and can apply what has been taught at school.
Ensuring that your child does his or her homework properly.
Finding ways to consolidate and reinforce the work that has been done at school.
Establishing open lines of communication with your child's teachers.
Alerting teachers to any problems your child may be experiencing.
Encouraging your child in every effort he or she makes.
Scheduling reading times and encouraging your child to become a reader.
The Foundation Phase is the stage in which children develop a solid base of knowledge which will enable them to further themselves in the school environment. By the end of it, with appropriate parental support, most children will be well-equipped to handle the next phase of their education.
The value of your contribution, as a parent, cannot be over-estimated. You are an integral part of the team, and your participation will ensure that your child is able to achieve results matching his, or her, capabilities.
Having support from other parents has great benefits, and one of the practical ways in which parents can help each other is by arranging play dates for their children.
Children learn best when they can 'play and learn'. On these occasions, homework and the practicing of skills can be interspersed with games and other fun. Activities can be interesting and different from normal day-to-day things, and learning sessions short and focused.
Learning spaces such as these create an excellent arena for the development of team work and social skills. They can also prepare the ground for study groups in the higher grades.
We look at the holistic development of the child, and our endeavour is always to provide support according to the individual needs of each child. Our excellent support team is made up as follows:
We are also assisted by external Speech and Occupational Therapists, according to need.
"A child must know that he is a miracle, that since the beginning of the world there hasn't been, and until the end of the world there will not be, another child like him."
- Pablo Casals